Our Roles and Regalia

As in any organization, we have a hierarchy, with our Lodge Members taking up various positions in office, and a progression available for those members who want to progress to and through those positions. A few are long term, for several years, but some are transitional, steps on a pathway.

At Greyfriars, just like in other Lodges, the roles are accompanied by badges of office and unlike many Lodges, the actual badges have been passed down over many years, some have been in the Lodge for 100 years.  Our roles are defined in our Book of Constitutions, but here is the unofficial version….

The Principal Officers

Worshipful Master

The leader and Chairman of the Lodge, leading all meetings,  helping the Brethren to learn about Masonry.

Usually very competent on ritual, (but with the author being one noticeable previous Worshipful Master, whose reputation has no mention of his ritual prowess…or lack of it).

Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master

Senior Warden

A key role in our meetings. Often expecting to be the next Worshipful Master if the members vote him in.

Think of this role as the senior apprentice to the Worshipful Master, but probably only has a year in this office, possibly two to learn the trade, before he gets into the ‘Big Chair”

Senior Wardens Jewel
Senior Wardens Jewel

Junior Warden

Another key role in our meetings. Usually, a member on the up and is a sort of Junior Apprentice to the Worshipful Master. Maybe a year, possibly two in this role, before the progression up to Senior Warden. Sometimes this role is ably filled by an experienced Lodge Member, while some of the newer members progress towards the role.

Junior Wardens Jewel
Junior Wardens Jewel
Junior Wardens Table
Junior Wardens Table

Assistant Officers


He has a sword, but quite what he does with it, join us and find out! He does guard the outer door.

Senior Deacon

Now it starts getting serious, not yet a Warden, but certainly working more in the meetings

Junior Deacon

The first real walk-on part in the rituals and the first step on the progression up to the Worshipful Master

Inner Guard

A good role to start more active participation in GreyFriars Lodge, the doorkeeper with the Tyler to make sure only Candidates and Masons are in the meetings

Tyler Sword
Senior Deacon
Senior Deacon
Junior Deacon
Junior Deacon
Inner Guard Jewel

Other key officer roles

Secretary of the Lodge

The Secretary of the Lodge is a very significant role, held typically for 5 or more years. All the admin of the Lodge, including summoning to meetings, handling new membership applications, liasing with the Provincial offices and just about anything else, including many matters during meetings is handled by the secretary. Probably the real ‘kingpin’ of the Lodge.


Looking after the bills, collecting the membership and dining fees, keeping the accounts and making sure the Lodge is in the black and the funds secure.

Director of Ceremonies

Usually a Lodge Member who knows it all, knows how to greet special guests, what the ritual is that every other person has to do, knows where everyone should be standing, walking, sitting and saying (or not saying) and at the Festive Board, very importantly, does the raffle!

Visiting Grand Officer

At Greyfriars, we have a great Visiting Grand Officer, he represents Grand Lodge, helps and encourages the Lodge members in all they do, reports back to Grand Lodge how we are doing and is generally an all round good Freemason to us all.

Secretary of the Lodge
Secretary of the Lodge
masonic treasurer
Masonic Treasurer
Masons Director of Ceremonies
Director of Ceremonies
Visiting Grand Officer
Visiting Grand Officer

Other roles

Past Master

Like it says in the title, this role is filled by the Past Master who stepped down a year or so ago. Unlike the rest of the Lodge members, this role allows the holder to have his Ritual Book in his hand as he prompts the Worshipful Master when he forgets his lines.


Stays in touch with Lodge members who are not in the best of health and of course, making sure the Lodge maintains contact with the widows of past members.

Charity Steward

Lead person is assisting the members to fulfill their charitable obligations.


Key role, especially for new Lodge Members who probably have no idea the first few meetings quite what is going on!

Past Masters Jewel
Past Masters Jewel
Masonic Almoner
Charity Steward
Charity Steward
Mentor Jewel
Mentor Jewel

You will never guess what instrument he plays? Serious and fun, that’s what the members want their organist to be.

Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Helps the Director of Ceremonies when needed and occasionally fills in when he cannot attend

Assistant Secretary
Lets keep this guessing going, so try to work out what this role involves? Prepare yourself. Yes, he assists the secretary.

Great place to start being involved in GreyFriars Lodge Meetings, not much responsibility yet. Stewards have stepped onto the path to go places in the Lodge (when you are ready). Enthusiastic new members may become Stewards in their second year in the Lodge is they want to!

Masonic Organist
Assistant Director of Ceremonies
Assistant Director of Ceremonies
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Stewards Jewel
Stewards Jewel

Lodge Members not in office

Masons 1st Degree Entered Apprentice Apron
Masons 1st Degree Entered Apprentice Apron
Masons 2nd degree apron
Masons 2nd degree apron
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